Inspite of Lame Duck fillabuster efforts & before we endure more No to USA -SAY YES
HOA's are getting out of hand and they need to be stopped.
Just Extend Current Tax Rates for ALL Americans and your long neglected Budget during this Lame Duck Session!
The wrongful imprisonment of Jesse Argumedo
More Accidents Resulting In Injury and/or Death Of Innocent People
A petition to regulate a company from taking a whole life insurance policy on any given employee, the act is wrongful and immoral in that a company is indefinite in longevity and can exploit the insurance plan in order to garner a sum upon an employe
We wish to respond to the recent letter you received from The Office of Children's Issues Overseas Citizens Services Bureau of Consular Affairs
Urgent help is needed for the Lakota people living on Pine Ridge Rez
Congress can extend Bush tax cuts for those earning under $250,000 WITHOUT extending tax cuts for the very wealthy. Tell congress to stand up and vote ONLY for an extension of tax cuts for those earning less than $250,000!
Looking for oversite that regulates spending by National Rescue groups