
Parental Alienation Child Abuse NO MORE. Automatic (50/50) shared joint custody by default in court..

Public Comments (4,313)
  • Jul 7th, 2019
    Someone from Los Angeles, CA writes:
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    Michelle King thank you for trying to change the law where divorced parents could be denied contact with their children if they try to turn them against their former partner! I agree with 50/50 default

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  • Jun 25th, 2019
    Someone from Gainesville, VA writes:
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    I am so surprised I was thinking of this this morning . I thought to myself no way would a jury allow what these disordered character disturbed judges hurt so many children . We are having these abusing men come to the law and courts that are looking for the healthy parent fight for their child only to have the judge Side with the abusing spouse . They want to hurt the healthy parent and make sure the narcissit stays in power . Did you know this isn’t about custody ,, Its about the child being sent to live with the abuser . It’s about the abuser lying about the target parent , no one caring it’s not true and using lies to keep a child from the healthy parent ,, only a judge that would be mean uncaring sick and demented as hell would be ok with eliminating a oerosn from a child’s life over Lies . The gal and the judge I have seen sit back laughing while the healthy parent cried in court zz we need to make this a crime punishable with prison and also the judge can go to jail too unless they want to make it so they need to be having juries no more just one crazy judge and a dumb gal that gets paid to keep a child away from the healthy parent . They both get paid the judge and the gal get paid to drag it out and keep the child away from the healthy Karan

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  • Jun 14th, 2019
    Rosanal R. from Jamaica, NY writes:
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    Юлия Линченко (Чекарева), тел +380957168219 работала в нашей семье давно, особых нареканий не было, кроме мелочей. Сыну даже нравилась няня, он ее ждал, только после ухода рассказывал странные вещи про интересные игры. В туземцев, пиратов, причем речь шла о теплых странах, где люди ходят без одежды. Мы удивились, сделали замечание, мол, надо сменить приоритет, Юлия Мирославовна не возражала. Но однажды я вернулась с работы раньше, начальник отпустил, и застала картину маслом: мой сын, совершенно голый, бегает вокруг няни, на которой из одежды только трусы! Вы представляете, это у них путешествие!!! Конечный пункт для Юлии Линченко был на лестничной клетке, куда я ее выкинула, в чем застала. Вещи вдогонку, и гонорар за сегодняшний день. Она орала, ругалась, стучала в дверь, пока я не открыла. Потом няню как ветром сдуло, поняла, что может быть хуже.

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  • Jun 11th, 2019
    Olganal O. from Brooklyn, NY writes:
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    Юлия Линченко (Чекарева), тел +380957168219 работала в нашей семье давно, особых нареканий не было, кроме мелочей. Сыну даже нравилась няня, он ее ждал, только после ухода рассказывал странные вещи про интересные игры. В туземцев, пиратов, причем речь шла о теплых странах, где люди ходят без одежды. Мы удивились, сделали замечание, мол, надо сменить приоритет, Юлия Мирославовна не возражала. Но однажды я вернулась с работы раньше, начальник отпустил, и застала картину маслом: мой сын, совершенно голый, бегает вокруг няни, на которой из одежды только трусы! Вы представляете, это у них путешествие!!! Конечный пункт для Юлии Линченко был на лестничной клетке, куда я ее выкинула, в чем застала. Вещи вдогонку, и гонорар за сегодняшний день. Она орала, ругалась, стучала в дверь, пока я не открыла. Потом няню как ветром сдуло, поняла, что может быть хуже.

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  • Jun 10th, 2019
    Nikanal N. from Ravena, NY writes:
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    Мой малыш после недели общения с новой няней Юлией Мирославовной Линченко, 16.06.1978гр, тел +380957168219, начал просить меня взять с собой на работу. Я пыталась выяснить причину, но ответа не получила. Каждая мать знает своего ребенка, изменение в поведении наталкивает на мысли, и потому решила ее уволить, несмотря на все заверения. В день расчета Юлия Мирославовна явилась с явными следами опьянения, хотя запаха алкоголя не было. И раньше манеры этой «няни» казались странными, а сейчас все встало на место. Видимо, принимает наркотики, как можно такой женщине доверить самое ценное! Моя ошибка, постараюсь в следующий раз подбирать персонал только по рекомендации.

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  • Jun 10th, 2019
    Marianal M. from Lake Lynn, PA writes:
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    Мы наняли няню, бабушка не справлялась с малышом, который был слишком активным. Юлия Мирославовна Чекарева из Харькова, тел +380957168219 произвела неплохое впечатление, быстро нашла общий язык с сынишкой, они затеяли какую-то игру в догонялки. Пусть выплеснет энергию, полезно. Пока я готовила на кухне, услышала шум, грохот. Бросилась в комнату, и с ужасом увидела, как няня валяется на полу, в обнимку с монитором, а мой сын стоит рядом и смеется. Видите ли, тетя споткнулась! Когда Юля с трудом поднялась, тяжело дыша, я поняла, что-то не так. Показалось, что она навеселе, хотя запаха алкоголя нет. Не важно, принимает чего, либо от природы такая, но кастинг закончен. Нам нужен адекватный специалист, а не бегающая с визгом по комнатам баба.

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  • Feb 13th, 2019
    Ronaldscusy R. from Mellenville, NY writes:
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  • Feb 12th, 2019
    Waynefrigo W. from Oneida, NY writes:
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  • Feb 10th, 2019
    Hallie O. from Rainier, OR writes:
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    Im 19 and I struggle severely from neglect parents got divorced. My dad and mom never go along my father got full custody I lost all contact from m mother by age 8. Father was abusive physical,mentally,verbally after the separation. My mother was destroyed by the separation she is severely effected I didn't get to b around her till I was 18 I've been to 25 home I was in DHS care from 2011-2014 given back cuz dhs was scared of my father because my step mom had controll over the county I was in cuz of being county commissioner. I haven't lived home even with my father since I was 13 I lived in a truck trailer and barn. DHS refused to help even tho I didn't live at home or whatever, even after my father tried to kill me the police looked at me just told me that DHS said they didn't want anything to do with me. I was living in a hotel given back to my father who took me to a homeless shelter that I've been too 14 times another one in Portland 3 times by the time I was 17 I decided to just be homeless so I was homeless for about 2 years more. I'm currently living with my mother who tries all she can to handle her 19 yr old daughter,while struggling with her mental health mine and her bf. My past childhood trauma has caused me to go from trying to escape the crazy childhood I had to isolating for 7 months shut down still struggling to trust anyone yet alone leave my temporary home. I'm not sure if any of this makes since but I'm hoping maybe I've found some kind of help it's harder than ever to trust anyone at all so asking anyone for help is hard for me thanks to abuse. I know deep down there is some kind of happy ending I really do

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  • Nov 20th, 2018
    Aly M. from Henrico, VA writes:
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    Henrico County Courts let my ex take my vehicle and leave me homeless without spousal or child support and then gave him sole custody of my son because I didn't have a home or financial support. HELP!!!

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  • Oct 27th, 2018
    Stephen G. from Huntington park, CA signed.
  • Sep 3rd, 2018
    Stephen G. from Huntington park, CA signed.
  • Aug 27th, 2018
    Someone from Chino Hills, CA writes:
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    I’ve been kept from my son and daughter with my visitations interfered with for 12 years. I agree with this petition 100% that the laws need to change against parental alienation making it a crime punishable by law. The mediators in the court system are not trained properly. The child protective services are not trained properly. And the judges have no Right to make a decision regarding who the better parent is just because he seen the parents a couple of times in the court room.

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  • Mar 29th, 2018
    Someone from Woodbridge, CA writes:
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    My grandson is nine years old he has been abandoned out of the country twice in his short life by that time he was 5 1/2 his mom had been out of his life half his time when we got him out the foreign country he lived with me part of the time and his dad part of the time slowly he became a different little boy and then the parents made a bad decision to move him out of state he’s now in Colorado and being severely alienated from those he lived with that gave him stable home and love

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  • Mar 7th, 2018
    Someone from Los Angeles, CA writes:
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    Please make Parental Alienation a crime punishable by law. Any situation where one parent pits a child or children against the other parent, during divorce is harmful. Thank you Michelle King for creating this petition.

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  • Mar 2nd, 2018
    Mary H. from Radcliff, KY writes:
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    Very well written and I agree 100%. However, this will not bring about an end to Parental Alienation if we are not using accepted terminology. Richard Gardner's, "Parental Alienation SYNDROME" is not accepted by the APA, Family Courts or the general public so the only suggestion I have is a revision to that terminology used in this petition that will only hurt/slow our movement to end Attachment-Based Parental Alienation (Pathogenic Parenting). Attachment-Based Parental Alienation (Pathogenic Parenting) is the accepted terminology from already established constructs and indicators in the DSM-5 Manual with written established constructs of this attachment-trauma in the parent-child relationship structure, is clearly defined and is already accepted by the APA. Change this wording to accepted constructs and this petition will then be PERFECT to present to all the listed authorities above and actually have a stronger impact and chance of producing our desired result.

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  • Feb 28th, 2018
    Someone from New York, NY writes:
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    This is an uphill battle as the courts and legal system have turned parental alienation into an industry in America. This industry serves only lawyers and divorce industry parasites.

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  • Jan 14th, 2018
    JOHN H. from Middletown, PA writes:
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    I was this child growing up. I am 30 and lost 27 years with my father. After finding my father and having contact with him I realized everything that my mother has done. I lost 20 some years! You cant get that time back. I have a relationship with my father now but as age has affected him the good times are gone. I have a son of my own now and I am dealing with the same issues. My son is being kept from me for no reason. The lies, false allegations made on me every reunification therapist is believing without even meeting with me. This is a mess its been two years and they keep breaching court ordered proposals, they keep continuing court dates. I was this child and now my son is going through this! It need to stop and if found guilty of alienation is needs to be an act of crime, a form of domestic and child abuse without a doubt! You will never know what its like until you are the victim. Stop thinking about the money and for once put the child first these are innocent little lives. Take a stand, stand out and stop letting this continue on for other generations.

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  • Jan 8th, 2018
    Michael G. from Carlsbad, CA writes:
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    As one who is the target parent and has witnessed, first hand, the dissolving nature of a relationship with my children, I wholeheartedly endorse this action.

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  • Jan 8th, 2018
    Cynthia V. from Wake Forest, NC writes:
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    Courts should not support nor provide the forum for one parent to use a child as a pawn against another parent...severing the child’s relationship with the other parent, potentially leading to a lifetime of psychological consequences. Certainly 1 judge should not have this much power and/or ability to sever a family.

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  • Jan 8th, 2018
    Someone from Los Angeles, CA writes:
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    Parental alienation should be a crime punishable by law. Thank you Michelle King for this petition...

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  • Dec 18th, 2017
    Luvicia M. from Oklahoma City, OK writes:
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    There needs to be consequences for alienators!! The pain is real, and our children are the ones who suffer a great loss!!

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  • Nov 28th, 2017
    Candy G. from Carrollton, TX writes:
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    Unless there is proven reason for one parent to not be in a child's life, 50/50 custody should be standard. Just because the marriage is over doesn't mean you aren't a parent anymore. How is this not considered a basic right? If YOU decide you don't want to be a parent, that's one thing. But for a court to decide, without merit, is simply a violation. The standard must change.

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  • Nov 26th, 2017
    Linda B. from Jacksonville, FL writes:
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    This is real , there needs to be consequences.

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  • Nov 20th, 2017
    Jennifer M. from Valparaiso, FL signed.
  • Nov 1st, 2017
    Sherry A. from Sarasota, FL writes:
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    No help for targeted parents and these poor kids are dying inside.

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  • Oct 19th, 2017
    Janice A. from Warrenton, MO signed.
  • Sep 23rd, 2017
    Kristy E. from Farmington, NM writes:
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    Attorneys and judges need educated on how to deal with high conflict custody battles when parental alienation is occurring to keep from increasing the alienation and tearing families apart. These cases are stuck in the court system. Parental alienation is real and my relationship with my daughter is almost non existent because of the court system not knowing how to handle cases like this. The parent who is causing the alienation through false accusations and brainwashing should be held accountable and they should be forced to enforce visitation to the other parent. I have the right to be my daughters mom.

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  • Aug 11th, 2017
    Corey C. from Fort Collins, CO signed.
  • Jul 12th, 2017
    Someone from Cave Creek, AZ writes:
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    No child should be denied to love all. When a parent/grandparent causes pain mental or physical. You should be punished..

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  • Jul 6th, 2017
    Amy G. from Spencer, NC writes:
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    Help me please reunite with my children

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  • Jul 2nd, 2017
    Ken K. from Tolland, CT writes:
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    Sick judges and guardian ad litem in connecticuts. Corrupt family courts. Made me start. Save our kids parental alienation foundation- tolland ct

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  • Jun 20th, 2017
    Someone from Hopkinsville, KY writes:
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    Using an Abundance of Caution is understandable, to any person not targeted by false allegations. Once one parent has made horrible statements, sworn to them, and has succeeded in separating the children from the other parent because they have lied, there is no retribution once the charges have been proven false. This happens over and over just because there is no punishment. The parent that lied is never held accountable. Yes, protect the children. Yes, use caution. But YES, there needs to be some sort of evidence behind the accusations, and retribution to prevent it happening over and over. Stop hurting the children. There has to be some responsibility taken for this legally.

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  • Jun 15th, 2017
    Megan B. from Louisville, MS signed.
  • May 13th, 2017
    Someone from Aurora, IL writes:
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    I like to see my child more than 4 days a month. I pay 1800 a month for 1 child, and I'm still a dead beat dad inhospitable mothers eyes.this is ridiculous my lawyer just lied Every time we go to court taking my sons bread and butter for himself. the system is broken.fix this please.

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  • May 12th, 2017
    Madeline K. from Tuttle, OK writes:
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    I am an erased mother for the past 17 years. Please don't let this happen to another mother/father or their children.

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  • May 3rd, 2017
    Mel J. from Carson, CA writes:
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    As we know DCFS is corrupted and some of the social workers

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  • May 3rd, 2017
    Someone from Shelbyville, IN signed.
  • May 2nd, 2017
    Jennifer Marie L. from Greenwood, IN writes:
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    I am a mother and my daughter has been kept from me for four yeasts now even after going to court he is only found in contempt.. this is painful emotional as I have 3 other children that don't know their older sister she is 10.. please stop parent alienation I hurt this bad my daughter I can't imagine the pain she lives without her only parent for her first 6 years of her young innocent life..

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  • Apr 30th, 2017
    Matthew C. from San Diego, CA writes:
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    I have personally been dealing with this for over two years now. I'm constantly having to defend myself as a father because of false allegations to try and use the court system to keep my kids from me.

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