
Hold our highest officials accountable for their actions!! Take our Country Back.

The rule of law in the U.S. has been broken,hold those who think they are above the law accountable.

Eric Holder, the highest ranking Chief law enforcement Officer in the country has broken the law,lied, and withheld information from investigators. Our system was set up by our Forefathers to prevent this from happening. President Obama has circumvented our Constitution numerous times by executive order and other means. This is the most corrupt administration in American history and NOTHING is being done about it. Is this because of threats to our Congress and Senate on they and their families lives, by the big money interests behind this administration? After all, members of both houses took an oath to uphold, not circumvent our Constitution at ALL cost.

Mr. Obama?s Justice Department has even more flagrantly flouted the laws of the land. Out of the blue, Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr., the nation?s chief law enforcement officer, reinterpreted America?s gambling laws (and dumped the decision on Christmas Eve so as to avoid scrutiny). More recently, Mr. Holder has decided to thwart congressional oversight by refusing to release documents on the disastrous ?Fast and Furious? gun-running scheme, and he is actively fighting Florida for trying to expunge dead people from its voter rolls.

Now comes Mr. Obama?s decision to stop enforcing America?s immigration laws. The new policy states that illegal immigrants who were younger than 16 when they entered the country are eligible for a two-year exemption from deportation. Of course, the ?deferred action process,? as Homeland Security Secretary Janet A. Napolitano called it, will apply to illegals up to age 30. (Think when they legally get their driver?s licenses they will also be handed a voter registration card?)

But that doesn?t matter when you are King Barack. The Founders were determined to make sure no American leader ever had the power King George III enjoyed. Which is why they also wrote this in the Constitution: ?The president, vice president and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.?

Sign this petition now and let our Congress and Senate know how you feel and to DO THEIR JOBS, instead of cowering to the threats, and put these tyrants in prison where they belong....GOD BLESS AMERICA....