
Re-declare Your Independence

To Our Congress and President of the United States

As Representatives of, by and for the People, it is your job to protect the Constitution of the United States.

We are writing to inform you that we are fully aware of the socialist/communist plot that has unfolded upon the United States of America.

We want you to know that we see you, the liberal hippie socialists of the 1960s; all you did was put on a suit and go to DC! It does not change the communist manifesto you have unleashed upon America.

Watch for yourself, the video that educated us! Your plan exposed!

Even if you are not a party to this plan, read on as you are just as guilty by turning your head and letting this happen!

We the People find it astounding that in a time of the greatest technology in the history of mankind, a time when common sense and brilliance should prevail due to our level of education, we watch as our Legislatures in DC sign into effect Laws and Executive Orders containing the most ludicrous of language, the utmost of moronic lack of concern for mankind in general! These laws and Executive Orders are consequently shoved down the throat of the people, even though we have voiced our opinions against these actions loud and clear!

Through your manipulation of issues from housing to fuel prices, taking control of our very air, food and water, you have weighed down the people with the burden of unpayable debt. You have removed from society the honor and pride that was America! You have removed the glint in the eye of America that was hope! With the slow precision of a skilled surgeon you have cut your way deep into the heart of America! But like a cancerous disease, We the People must cut you out!

You have virtually broken the back of the citizens of America, BUT we will not let you saddle us!!

We now see that you have stopped listening to the Conservative Voices of America, the Voices that are concerned about our Freedom, and the Voices that are concerned about our beloved Constitution. You have truly awakened a ?Sleeping Giant?.

You may even be under the false impression that with enough of your sneaky underhanded actions, you will finally cause the demise of the United States. You may believe that the liberal control of our media makes it nice and safe for you, keeping your dirty little secrets. Do not rely on that to be the case!

We the People give to you A Re Declaration.

A Re-Declaration Of Independence

By the People of the United States of America

When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for the People to dissolve, intervene or change, the political system which has connected them together, and to understand the power of the earth and the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, having the respect of the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the reasons which compel them to separate, intervene, or make changes.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these Rights, governments are established among Men, deriving their legal powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these Rights, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute a new government, with its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such a manner, as to them shall seem most likely to ensure and promote their safety and happiness. Caution will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for temporary inconveniences, and accordingly all experience has shown, that Mankind is more likely to suffer, while the evil is sufferable, than to better themselves by abolishing or changing the government to which they are accustomed to. But after a long time of abuses and usurping of the laws, pursuing invariably the same effect, proving a plan to place them under absolute despotism, it is their right , it is their duty, to throw off or change such government, and to provide new guardians for their future security. Such as been the patient suffering of the People and these United States and it is now necessary for them to alter their corrupted systems of government. The history of Presidents, as well as Congress, is a history of repeated injuries, injustice, and the usurping of the laws, all having the effect of establishing an absolute tyranny over the People and these United States. To prove this, let the facts be submitted to the world.

They have refused to abide by the Constitution and the laws, which is necessary for the public good. They prefer Law of Man over Rule of Law. They have allowed a fundamental transformation of the United States from a free Republic into an unrecognizable State.

They have denied legislation and law from being heard, discussed, or voted on that is a necessary part of the People's right of representation.

They have obstructed the administration of justice and set themselves above the law, by deciding what laws they will and will not follow, while requiring the People to follow all laws.

They have refused to enforce current immigration laws, allowing large numbers of people to live in these United States and enjoy the benefits thereof.

They have appointed or allowed appointments of people without due diligence as set forth by the law of our Land. This allows unelected people to impose laws upon the United States without the United States or the People being represented.

They have created many new agencies and departments that impose regulations without the advice or consent of those People or States to be regulated. These agencies and departments are often times outside any control or oversight of Congress.

They have engaged in military action without the consent of Congress as proscribed by law.

They have allowed foreign law into our courts and systems of law.

They have allowed lobbyists, special interest groups and others to use money and influence to affect law and legislation. They have used bribery not just from outsiders, but among members of Congress itself, to effect votes.

They have imposed on the People unwarranted search and seizure not just during travel, but at places of business or any place else the government believes is necessary. They have imposed on the People ambiguous, vague definitions of what defines criminal activity therefore stifling free speech and free assembly.

They have utilized class warfare, pitting poor against rich, rich against the middle, as well as utilized race to keep tensions high, for insulting the People at will and without fact. They have purposely used divisive tactics against the People and the States.

They have created laws that threaten our unalienable Rights and allow them to hold People without a right to due process.

They have placed their ideologies above the Constitution and its laws.

They have encouraged domestic insurrection and attempting to bring violence to the States and the People from those that do not want to abide by the Constitution and laws.

They have not effectively guarded information and equipment that is vital to the United States and the People's protection and safety.

They have interfered with free trade practices by not letting the free market system work as it is meant to do. Government should not be in the habit of picking what businesses succeed or fail or risking the People's money in businesses.

The People have continually come to the government, to ask for them to abide by the Constitution and the laws of the land. Our repeated pleas have been ignored and mocked, while the abuses continue unabated. Presidents and Congresses that repeatedly act like dictators and tyrants, are dictators and tyrants, and are therefore unfit to continue in their current positions as leaders of a free People.

We have been warning the States and the People of the repeated attempts by this government to ignore, usurp, and deny the Constitution and the laws. Many times it falls on deaf ears, so the People will go forward without them.

Therefore, the People who yearn and beg for a return to a Constitutional and law abiding government, declare our Re-declaration of Independence. The People of the United States are free, and will be absolved from all allegiance to the government in its current form, dysfunction, and disarray. The People will gladly and happily return to our allegiance to the government when it returns to the Constitutional Republic as it was created to be. So with a firm reliance on the protection of the divine providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.

By Our signature below we beseech you to return to the moral standard by which our Constitution was founded and redirect America to the course for which she was charted...

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