
Repeal the unconstitutional Patriot Act, the Real ID Act and oppose Internet ID and FCC Control of the Internet.

Our Constitutional rights are being legislated away by Congress

The right to freedom of speech is under attack, and it?s only a matter of time before we loose our right to speak out against government. Unless we repeal the unconstitutional legislation that has already been passed, we are in danger of loosing all of our Constitutional rights.

In December, unconstitutional power was given to the FCC to regulate the Internet, and enemies of the Constitution are proposing an Internet ID to monitor and censor individuals. It is accompanied by the Real ID Act that creates a ?national database? of our personal data.

Under the Real ID Act, the Department of Homeland Security was given the power to decide what kind of card will be required and the extent of individual information that will be included in the database and on the card. The most shocking thing about the Real ID Act is that citizens will not be allowed to even open a bank account without this national ID card.

Moreover, the unconstitutional Patriot Act is once again up for consideration, and rumors abound that Congress is trying to re-authorize the so-called "PATRIOT" Act without scrutiny or debate.

The Patriot act is unconstitutional because it authorizes government wire-tapping and searches without due process or a court order. The Patriot Act took away our Constitutional right to freedom from unwarranted and unreasonable government searches, and it opened the door to abuse of power by government agencies.

You see the results of the Patriot Act and how the Department of Homeland Security, (vis-à-vis the TSA), has abused that authority. The DOHS used the Patriot Act to circumvent our Constitutional right to freedom from unwarranted and unreasonable search.

As a Natural Born citizen of the United States of America, I ask that you oppose reinstatement of the Patriot Act. I also ask that you support the repeal of the unconstitutional Real ID Act, and that you oppose the Internet ID Act, and demand that the FCC relinquish any and all claims of power to regulate or control the Internet.