
Impeachment of Governor Chris Christie from office

Impeachment of Governor Chris Christie Act Now & Tell Congress to Order the Removal of New Jersey Governor

Governor Chris Christie is using his own personal beliefs to run our great state of New Jersey. He has taken it upon himself to throw out bills to support our failing economy & uses his bullish behavior to threaten the great people of this state. I assure you that no one will have any objections to this issue here in New Jersey as we are living with this bully & his tyranny. He is misusing funds for personal adventures, he cannot control New Jersey or act as Governor of New Jersey when he is not here & campaigning for what is to be a failed Presidential Nomination. We the people of New Jersey have seen the worst budget cuts & debt under his authority. Our state is failing due to his bigotry, bullying, lying, personal agenda & criminal activity. We are left with no options other than to appeal to Congress to step in & file Impeachment against Governor Chris Christie. As you all have seen in the national news he does not care about the laws, he just wants to use them to dictate. This is free America & we live in the worst Era of New Jersey history. Imagine what the USA will be like with him as President. Please hear our words & feel our concerns over this matter. It's about time we stand up to what he is doing.